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Fencing: bespoke


Tiles: Mandarine Stone, Industry Anthracite Outdoor Porcelain with BAL Micromax2 Grout Ash.

Lighting: Swan Neck light in charcoal, Garden Trading.

Courtyard garden


Formerly a gravel and soil side access to the garden this area was transformed into an attractive practical space; the contemporary paving and contrasting plant textures have made this overlooked area an attractive addition to the garden and renovated Victorian house. 


The courtyard garden is seen from three rooms, and  the space effectively acts as a light-well to these rooms; the garden seeks to provide attractive views throughout the year.

Contemporary dark porcelain paving is softened with contrasting planting including grass Hakonechloa macra and the evergreen fern Polypodium vulgare. The richly textured planting palette draws the eye down and keeps focus within the space.

The small tree, Crab apple 'Evereste' brings year-round interest with spring blossom, coloured foliage and fruits, it also helps to screen the neighbouring flats and provides a perch for visiting birds.  

A white rose climber, Rosa Iceberg, is being trained and will scale the south facing wall of the house.


The star of the show for much of the year is Hydrangea aborescens 'Anabelle,' it is prolific in its production of large creamy mop-headed flowers, these luxurious flower heads  can be left in place to retain their presence through to spring, though they do make stunning dried flowers- after the last frost has passed they can be safely pruned, or renovated by the removal of a third of the older stems.


Clusters of the snowdrop Galanthus nivalis provide small pinpricks of white light in the dead of winter.

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